Multidisciplinary Teams

Do you Have Poor Health or Look After Someone who Does?

If so, then your doctor might suggest you are discussed by a multidisciplinary team (MDT).

What is an MDT?

If you have quite a few illnesses and /or a disability MDTs may look at ways to improve your health and well being. The team is made up of your GP, district nurses, social workers and sometimes local support agencies like Age UK and Sunderland Carers Centre.

They will work together to discuss your health and social care needs and make a plan to meet your needs in the most effective way.

What is the Purpose of an MDT?

The MDT physically brings together the people who manage your health and social care around the same table.

In the past health and social care professionals would work independently and you may have received support at different stages and in a disjointed way.

Who Will be Discussed?

Not everyone with health and social care needs will be discussed as not everyone needs the additional support that would be planned in an MDT.

If your case is discussed and a better plan for your health and social care is suggested then a member of the team will talk to you about it.